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Return to Work Health and Fitness Perks

Get your team back to working together happily and healthily with our health and fitness perks. We have over 300 five-star reviews and an exceptional reputation for high-quality, affordable services. Choose from any combination of the discounts, workshops, and work-station assessments below.

Discounts to keep you fit, pain free and healthy

  • 5% off 30-minute massage or 1:1 Pilates with a highly experienced physiotherapist or osteopath using code YOURCOMPANYNAMEFIT5
  • 10% off one hour running assessments, gym screening, posture assessments, work-station assessments or ski fit assessments with a highly experienced physiotherapist or osteopath using code YOURCOMPANYNAMEFIT10. These include posture and movement analysis, training advice and a specific exercise programme.
  • 15% off 30-minute injury/pain assessment and treatment with a highly experienced physiotherapist or osteopath using code YOURCOMPANYNAMEFIT15
  • 20% off 30-minute virtual injury/pain assessment and treatment with a highly experienced physiotherapist or osteopath using code YOURCOMPANYNAMEFIT20

Terms and conditions: All discounts are on the full price of sessions, cannot be used in conjunction with other discounts, and cannot be used if using insurance. Codes can only be used once per person per year.

Workshops for team building, boosting productivity and improving wellbeing

Our popular workshops (see the testimonials below) can be delivered in person or virtually. Choose from the following topics or suggest your own.

  • Wellbeing: Creating Positive Lifestyle habits – Nutrition, stress management and sleep
  • Work-Station Set Up and Desk Based Exercises: be pain free and productive at work
  • Running: Technique, drills, and training
  • Crossfit and Gym: Technique, injury prevention and performance optimisation
  • Skiing and Snowboarding: Technique, injury prevention and performance optimisation
  • Women’s health: pre- and post-natal pelvic health, exercise during and after pregnancy  
  • Women’s health: perimenopausal exercise and pelvic health

The workshops cost £255 which includes an initial consultation with the team lead, the delivery of the workshop by our highly experienced Physiotherapists and Osteopaths, written information, audio recordings, and exercise videos.

Work-station assessments either online or in person

We cover DSE guidelines as well as the latest research on how to prevent pain, stiffness, and tension at work and boost productivity. All assessments include a written report, videos of exercises, and audio recordings. We advise 30 minutes per person/report and charge £74 per report plus travel time. All assessments are carried out by highly experienced physiotherapists and osteopaths.

“I have already changed things for the better”

“I liked the new ideas that are different from the same old stuff most of us have heard before”

“It has been great to learn about health in more depth, it has been so useful to understand my body after all these years”

“Useful to know how to put things into practice”

“They were so supportive”

“I now have a clear idea of my health goals”

“They were amazing at presenting complicated things in a way that makes them easy to understand”

We are happy to tailor our services to suit your needs so please call Lucy Macdonald on 07769653715 or email lucy@octopusclinic.com.

We look forward to speaking to you soon.

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