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Please read ‘how the back works‘ before reading the following.
Facet joint pain is normally localized: centrally over your spine or to one side. It may feel like a “catching pain” during certain movements like bending backwards, or turning. It is associated with poor posture, repetitive strain (e.g. horse riding) or injury (e.g. snowboarding falls)The common factors that contribute to the cause of a facet injury are outlined below. These things need to addressed thoroughly in treatment to enable full recovery and limit risk of recurrence.
1) Instability of facet joints at one level in the spine, with relative stiffness above and below, can result in some facet joints taking more strain than others. Please click on the link to learn how to train your deep core stability muscles.
2) Poor posture. Please click on the link to learn about correct sitting posture.
3) Short, tight hip flexors which put the back into a position where the facet joints are under strain.
4) Increased lordosis – an increased curvature your lower back again this puts the facet joints under strain.
Treatment: Facet joint pain normally responds well to treatment that addresses the abnormal biomechanics that caused the problem in the first place or are stopping it getting better: mobilizations and manipulation, taping, massage, acupuncture, strengthening and stretching exercises and, most importantly, advice on how to train the joints and muscles in moving properly in order to enable recovery and prevent recurrence.
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